Marketing BS That Customers See Right Through in Food & Bev

Marketing is an essential part of any business, but when it becomes misleading, it can do more harm than good. In the food and beverage industry, misleading marketing is a bit too common, and it hurts both consumers and businesses.

Let’s discuss the most common marketing mistakes companies make and cut through the

Vague and Overused Buzzwords

One of the most common tactics used in misleading marketing is the use of vague or overused buzzwords. Terms like "natural," "superfood," and "authentic" are often used in marketing, but they can lead to customers feeling mislead.

For example, the term "natural" is not regulated, so it can be used to describe almost anything. Similarly, the term "superfood" has no scientific definition, yet it is used to describe almost any food that is deemed healthy. Seriously, Google “potato superfood?”


Another common tactic misleading marketing tactic is known as greenwashing. This is when a company claims to be environmentally friendly or sustainable, but their claims are not backed up by evidence. For example, a company may claim that their packaging is recyclable or compostable, but in reality, it is not.

For example, packaging that is paper and foil glued together. These materials are technically recyclable on their own but in reality will never be separated properly and end up in a landfill.

Fortunately, there are companies that are transparent about their impact and actively work to reduce their environmental footprint.

Alter Eco is a food company that has been making commendable efforts to reduce its environmental impact. They’re transparent about their sustainability practices and has implemented initiatives to reduce waste and use more eco-friendly materials in its packaging.

For example, their chocolate truffles are packaged in compostable wrappers made from non-toxic materials such as eucalyptus and birch trees. Additionally, they have implemented fair trade practices to support small-scale farmers and ensure sustainable farming practices.

Power of the Consumer

Today's consumers are more empowered than ever before, with online resources and social media platforms allowing them to easily access and share information about products and companies. The impact of dishonest advertising can be significant, as consumers are quick to share negative experiences and reviews, potentially damaging a company's reputation and bottom line.

On the other hand, transparency is key to building trust and loyalty. Customers want to know what they're buying and where it comes from, and companies that are open and honest about their products, ingredients, and environmental impact are more likely to gain and retain customer loyalty.

Creating Honest Marketing Campaigns

To create an honest marketing campaign, companies should use clear and concise language. Avoid using buzzwords and be specific about what the product is and what it does. Provide accurate information and avoid making claims that cannot be backed up by evidence. Finally, be transparent about the product's impact on the environment and the steps the company is taking to reduce its impact.

Misleading marketing is harmful to both consumers and businesses. Companies that embellish their product or marginalize their negative impacts may gain short-term benefits, but in the long run, they risk losing customer loyalty and trust.

By being transparent and honest with their customers to the best of their knowledge, companies can build trust and loyalty and create a positive impact on the environment.

As consumers, we have the power to demand honesty and transparency from companies and support those who are actively working to make a difference.

Lorenzo Fernandez-Kopec

Lorenzo is the co-founder of Peakbound Studio (formerly LFK Media). Peakbound is a full-service documentary style video production company that serves businesses and non-profit organizations. They’re based in Oakland, CA and serve the San Francisco Bay Area

Peakbound aims to build a story with substance, they take time to understand your project from a high level to the granular making sure every aspect is bound to connect with your audience.

With 100,000+ video views and a 5 star rating from our clients Peakbound plans for peak performance with every project.


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